

MLK vs. Ferguson


This quote directly relates to the comparison of King’s protesting vs. what went on in Ferguson. More violence and hate won’t stop the injustice. Burning your city down won’t change anything. Instead you must resist the anger and hatred you’re feeling and turn it into dedication and devotion for making a change in a peaceful manner and in a way that will allow for people to really listen and empathize with your cause.

Obama on Ferguson: ‘I Don’t Have Any Sympathy’ for Protesters Burning Buildings

“I’ve never seen a civil rights law or a health care bill or an immigration bill result because a car got burned,” Obama said at an afternoon event in Chicago

A different view of the rioting in Ferguson

Chicago protestor explains why police killings cause so much rage

Changes seen in Ferguson One Year Later

  • Less police out on the street
  • Less residents being pulled over
  • The apartments where Michael Browned was killed lost 50% of their residents, almost an abandoned area

The struggle for Civil Rights has been continuant throughout America’s history. African Americans had fought for the same freedoms and rights as promised by the United States constitution for an extensive period of time, facing problematic situations such as segregation and racism in the 1900s. Issues quickly arose again in the twenty-first century after an unarmed African American boy, Michael Brown, was unlawfully shot down by a white police officer. In both circumstances, a handful of civil rights protests emerged, one of peaceful means and the other of violent. Whatever the difference, there was one common factor among both civil rights protesting led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the protesting in Ferguson- African Americans uniting to stop the ongoing threat on humanity. The assessment of the peaceful Birmingham Campaign conducted by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the violent Ferguson Riots help to conclude that in order to make a change in society, it is best to find equity for ones denied liberties in a peaceful manner.


Ferguson turns violent

“I’m tired of being peaceful. I’m tired of being calm. They been going to war on us for almost 400 years so I aint’ peaceful.”

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